Wednesday, October 4 - Orleans Democratic Town Committee
Orleans Town Hall, 19 School Road, Orleans
The Orleans DTC will meet on Wednesday, October 4th at 5:00 PM at the Skaket Room, Town Hall in Orleans.
Dillon McCarthy, Chair of the Cape Cod High School Democrats and Kevin Galligan, of Galligan Energy Consulting will be the guest speakers. Dillon
will share the work of the High School Dems and how the Orleans Committee might support and help them. Kevin will discuss the Eversource
Rate increases as well as inform us on what is happening with energy on the Cape.
For more information on the Orleans Dems or any of their meetings, please contact Robin Hubbard at [email protected] or 508-255-2890.
October 5 - Barnstable DTC - Workforce Housing Forum
Barnstable Senior Center @ 7 PM - 9 PM - 825 Falmouth Rd, Hyannis
Join us for an informative forum to tackle the issue of workforce housing on the Cape and how this issue directly relates to the strength of our economy. Guests will include State Senator Julian Cyr, Heather Harper, Laura Shufelt, and Tom Lynch. We'll also hear from those members in our community who have struggled to find housing. A Q&A period will follow the discussion.
Friday, October 6, 2017 - Cape Cod Technology Council -
Steve Johnston, Executive Director of OpenCape will be our featured speaker. OpenCape is growing and expanding the fiber optic network serving emergency, municipal, and residential customers on the cape. There will also be a conversation about what local businesses can do to support growth and ensure that the OpenCape Network is a key resource for the Cape & Islands.
October 20 - Cape Women’s Coalition Roundtable - HOW TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY…IN PUBLIC
Optimist Café, 134 Route 6A, Yarmouth Port, from 8:00 to 10:00 am
This presentation will help women learn how to present their points precisely and confidently. The more women are able to speak up, the more they are able to effect change. Buffet breakfast will be included. Tickets are $10 for individuals, or bring a friend and pay $16 for two. For more information, go to
Tuesday, October 17th at 6:30PM - CIDC General Meeting
Cape Space - 100 Independence Drive, Hyannis
Our special guest speaker will be Congressman Bill Keating. We will also vote on the Bylaw revisions.
Oct 21 and 22 - Raise Up Signature Gathering - Weekend of Action
We will be rallying on the weekend of October 21 and 22 to gather signatures in support of Raise Up's 2 ballot initiatives, the Fight for $15 and Paid Family Medical Leave. Volunteers can gather wherever they feel would be effective, anytime over the weekend. Please feel free to collect signatures anytime you want outside of this weekend, but this is to make a planned big showing. Distribution and collection of sheets, rallying points and training options will be made available.
Please fill out this volunteer form here for more info.
For any questions, reach out to Steve Leibowitz - [email protected]
ORGANIZE TO WIN: The Barnstable Town Elections are fast approaching. Join your friends and neighbors for canvasses and phone banks in support of our democratic candidates. We have the opportunity to flip a seat...or 3! Email [email protected] to get involved.
FIGHT FOR FAMILIES: The most vulnerable children in Massachusetts need our help. The Cap on Kids, also called the Family Cap, denies welfare benefits to children conceived while – or soon after – the family received benefits. For over two decades, the Cap has exacerbated child poverty. It currently deprives about 8,900 children of essentials such as diapers, clothing, and food. Click here to learn more and sign our petition to urge the legislature to Lift the Cap on Kids. If you have questions or want to get involved email [email protected].
Wednesday, October 4 - Grandmothers Against Gun Violence Monthly Meeting
10:30 am
Cape Cod Synagogue 145 Winter St, Hyannis
Thursday, October 5 - Information Sessions for Cape Cod Tech School Construction
Bridgewater State University Campus, Yarmouth
The Cape Cod Tech School in Harwich is having sessions on the multi-town construction vote: Bridgewater State University campus in Yarmouth on October 5, the Wellfleet Senior Center on October 10, and at Cape Tech again on October 11. Officials will discuss the need for the new facility, which would replace the current 43-year-old school.
Learn More:
Sunday, October 8th - Fundraiser for
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Home of Fran Schofield & Paul Berry
161 Fox Meadow Dr, Brewster, MA
Hosts include: State Rep. Sarah Peake, Pat Bresnahan, Sue & Elliot Carr, Eve Dalmolen, Karin & Rich Delaney, Robin Hubbard, Ed McManus, Sandy Milano, Katie Miller Jacobus, Kathy & Mike Schell, Fran Schofield & Paul Berry, Gloria & Dave Schropfer, and Andrea Silbert
Suggested Donation: $50 • $100 • $250 - Activists: $20 Person • $35 Couple
RSVP Online at
or mail your check, payable to: The Bill Keating Committee c/o Brewster Event, PO Box 3065, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
For more information, please contact: Michael Clarke at (508) 591-0512
Friday, October 20th - Barbara Gray Legacy Award Dinner
Wellfleet Preservation Hall, 335 Main Street, Wellfleet
Please Join the Outer Cape Democratic Coalition For the Third Annual BARBARA GRAY LEGACY AWARD. Presentation and Dinner to Honor Mary Jane Gibson. Master of Ceremonies, Representative Sarah Peake. Keynote Speaker, Philip W. Johnston
Dinner Catered by Van Rensselaer’s Restaurant
Tickets: $50 per person
Kindly pay by check and include your name and address and each guest's name.
Check payable to: 'Wellfleet Democratic Town Committee' or 'WDTC'
Dick Guernsey, Treasurer, PO Box 27, Wellfleet, MA 02667
Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door
Ticket Information: Dick Guernsey Tel:508-349-3510 or [email protected]
Tuesday, October 24th - Election Day for Cape Cod Tech School
The Cape Cod Tech School in Harwich is having sessions on the multi-town construction vote: Eastham Library on October 3, the Bridgewater State University campus in Yarmouth on October 5, the Wellfleet Senior Center on October 10, and at Cape Tech again on October 11. Officials will discuss the need for the new facility, which would replace the current 43-year-old school.
Learn More:
Thursday, October 12 - Wellfleet Dems Business meeting
8:30 to 10 AM
PB Boulangerie Bistro, 15 Lecount Hollow Road, South Wellfleet
Saturday, October 14th - Harwich Democratic Town Committee
Community Center, 100 Oak St
Our special guest speaker is Robert Sanborn, Superintendent of Cape Cod Regional Tech who will present a history and overview of the proposed upgrade of the High School. Please be aware there is a town election on Tuesday, October 24th to vote on approval and funding of the project. This election will be conducted from Noon-8:00 p.m. at the Community Center.
Tuesday, October 17th - Mashpee Democratic Town Committee
Our speaker will be Sandy Faiman-Silva.
Saturday, November 4th - Harwich Democratic Town Committee
Community Center, 100 Oak St
Based on the recommendations of our Issues Committee; Sheila House, Harwich Youth Counselor will present an overview of Addiction/Mental Health Service in Harwich and across Barnstable County.
Sunday, November 12 - Yarmouth Democratic Town Committee First Annual Veterans Day Brunch
11:00AM - 2:00PM
Yarmouth House Restaurant, 335 Rt. 28, West Yarmouth
Our keynote speaker will be the Auditor of the State of Massachusetts, the Honorable Suzanne M. Bump. Also expected to be in attendance will be Congressman Bill Keating and Candidates for Governor of Massachusetts, Jay Gonzalez, Setti Warren, and Bob Massie.
We will also hold a silent auction at the brunch. If interested in donating items or gift certificates, please contact Dave Velasco.
November 18 - Wellfleet Dems - Annual Potluck Party
5 to 8 PM
hosted by Paul Pilcher & Dan Lawson