April 28 - Chatham - Bob Massie will be at the Chatham Community Center on Sat. from 3:30-5:00 p.m. This event is sponsored by Lower Cape Indivisible.
Apr 28 - Woods Hole- Meet and Greet Alex Gessen for Selectman http://votegessen.com
Public · Hosted by Alex Gessen for Selectman at 1 PM - 3 PM
Captain Kidd, 77 Water St, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543
APR 29 - Provincetown - Meet the Future, Hosted by Lower Cape Indivisible
5 PM - 6:30 PM - Pot-luck dinner for Nauset HS students who attended "March for Our Lives."
St Mary of The Harbor Episcopal Church, 517 Commercial St, Provincetown, MA 02657
May 2nd - Hyannis - GAGv Meeting
Hosted by Grandmothers Against Gun Violence at 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Cape Cod Synagogue, 145 Winter St, Hyannis, MA 02601
May 2 - Know Your Rights - Hosted by Community Action Committee of C&I & WE CAN - Women's Empowerment through Cape Area Networking
Wednesday at 6 PM - 9 PM - The Church of the Holy Spirit, 204 Monument Rd, Orleans, MA 02653
MAY 4 - Brewster - Campaign Kickoff - Steve Leibowitz for State Rep
Friday at 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM - www.stevenforstaterep.com/events/
Snowy Owl Coffee Roasters, 2624 Main St, Brewster, MA 02631
MAY 4 - Hyannis - Social Robots with JIBO - May 2018 First Friday, hosted by Cape Cod Technology Council
Friday at 7:30 AM - Hyannis Golf Course, 1840 Iyannough Rd, Hyannis, MA 02601
May 6th - Brewster Democrats invite you to join the Brewster in Bloom Parade on Sunday.
Gather at noon at the Eddy School in Brewster. Parade steps off at 1pm. Join fellow Democrats and candidates and elected officials for a fun afternoon! http://brewsterdems.org
MAY 6 - Woods Hole - Fernandes Campaign Kick-Off w Senator Julian Cyr
Sunday at 2 PM - 3:45 PM - Captain Kidd, 77 Water St, Woods Hole, MA 02543
MAY 8 - Harwich -Lower Cape YMCA Needs Assessment - Hosted by Cape Cod Regional Technical HS
Cape Cod Regional Technical HS - 351 Pleasant Lake Ave (Rt 124), Harwich, MA 02645
If you live in Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Harwich, Orleans, or Yarmouth, the YMCA wants to hear from you on May 8 from 5:30-6:30.
MAY 12 - Dennis - 6th Annual Cape Cod Women's Music Festival by Cape Wellness Collaborative
Saturday at 6 PM - 10 PM - The Cape Playhouse - 820 Main Street Route 6A, Dennis, MA 02638
Celebrate incredible women in music from on an off this sandbar. Proceeds benefit Cape Wellness Collaborative
MAY 15 - Hyannis - Big Ideas for Cape Cod: A Community Live Pitch Event by CCYP and Cape Cod Beer
Tuesday at 5:30 PM, Cape Cod Beer, 1336 Phinney's Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601
Tickets at members.capecodyoungprofessionals.org A great community is built on the ideas of its citizens. At this event, we'll be handing YOU the mic to share your BIG IDEAS for Cape Cod's…
May 26 - Chatham - The next meeting of the Chatham Town Democratic Committee will be in the Conference Room of the Chatham Community Center. This is instead of May 19. Please make a note of the date and place change. The time for the meeting has not changed; they will still be meeting at 9:30 a.m.
April 28th - CIDC Annual Kennedy Legacy Dinner
Interested in who's running for Harwich Board of Selectmen? Would you like to hear directly from each candidate on issues important to our town? Please join us at this forum featuring each of the three candidates. Sponsored by the Harwich Voter Information Committee and moderated by the League of Women Voters of the Cape Cod Area. For more information: [email protected]
We will be joined by two candidates running for statewide office: Candidate for Governor, Jay Gonzalez, and Candidate for Secretary of State, Josh Zakim
2018 PDTC Meeting Schedule - Meetings are generally held on the last Monday of each month. Please note, meetings will be held at Plymouth Center for the Arts until further notice: April - 4/30, May - 5/21, June - 6/25, July - 7/30, August - 8/27, September - 9/24
May 6 - Wildcare Benefit - Experience the taste of South African BBQ on cape cod! A wild care benefit dinner - at Karoo in Eastham, MA. Wild Care Inc, the wildlife rescue, and rehabilitation center in Eastham, will host a mouth-watering South African Bar-B-Q at Karoo Restaurant in Eastham on Sunday, May 6.
Community Events
April 28th - Cape Cod Maker Faire at Mashpee High School
Come see state of the art STEAM projects in Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math at this annual event - capecod.makerfaire.com/
MAY 1 - Hyannis - Facebook Privacy Settings, Public Event by CapeSpace
Tuesday, May 1 at 5:30 PM - 7 PM
CapeSpace, 100 Independence Dr, Hyannis, MA 02601
May 5th - Eastham @ 10 am - Hear from candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State, then vote in a straw poll at the Sheraton in Eastham.
May 15th - Dennis - Selectman elections.
May 19 - Yarmouth DTC Meeting, 1 pm @ Yarmouth Police Dept
Guest Speakers: Quentin Palfrey, Candidate for Lt. Gov. Ross Berry & Beth Picknick RN, The Patient Safe Communities Act
May 19th - Dennis DTC - Save the Date for the Annual Dennis Democratic Town Committee's Wine Tasting Event. During the event, Dennis Selectman, and former State Representative, Cleon Turner will be honored for his many years of service. Stay tuned for more details to come!

May 19th - The HSDA New England Summit, hosted by the Massachusetts High School Democrats, Connecticut High School Democrats, Rhode Island High School Democrats, and New Hampshire High School Democrats, will take place on May 19th, 2018, at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate.
Students will have a chance to participate in workshops, tour the Edward M. Kennedy Institute, and hear from a variety of high-profile Democratic leaders. The event will provide attendees with the opportunity to meet fellow young political leaders and foster a growing community of High School Democrats in the New England area.