Town DTC |
Day |
Time |
Caucus Location |
Address |
Barn-stable |
2/7 |
6 PM |
Centerville Rec |
524 Main Street |
Bourne |
2/10 |
10 AM |
Jonathan Bourne Public Library |
19 Sandwich Rd, Bourne, MA 02532 |
Brewster |
2/10 |
10 AM |
Brewster Town Hall - Rooms A and B |
2198 Main St, Brewster, MA |
Chatham |
2/17 |
9:30 AM |
Chatham Comm Center |
702 Main Street, Chatham, MA |
Dennis |
2/10 |
12 PM |
Dennis Police Dept |
90 Bob Crowell Rd, South Dennis, MA |
Eastham |
2/24 |
10 AM |
Eastham Town Library |
190 Samoset Rd, Eastham, MA |
Falmouth |
2/11 |
1 PM |
Morse Pond School |
323 Jones Road, Falmouth MA 02540 |
Harwich |
2/3 |
10 AM |
Harwich Comm Center |
100 Oak Street, Harwich |
Mashpee |
2/10 |
10 AM |
Mashpee Town Hall |
16 Great Neck Rd N, Mashpee, MA 02649 |
Nan-tucket |
2/3 |
9:30 AM |
Atheneum |
1 India Street |
Orleans |
2/6 |
6 PM |
Town Hall |
19 School Road |
Province-town |
2/24 |
10 AM |
Seamen's Bank - Conf Room |
221 Commercial St, Provincetown, MA |
Plymouth |
3/3 |
10 AM |
The Spire Center |
25-1/2 Main St |
Sandwich |
2/10 |
11 AM |
Sandwich Council on Aging |
270 Quaker Meeting House Rd., East Sandwich |
Tisbury |
3/3 |
10 AM |
Tisbury Senior Center |
34 Pine Tree Road, Vineyard Haven |
Truro |
2/3 |
10 AM |
Truro Comm Center |
7 Standish Way, North Truro |
Wellfleet |
2/10 |
9:10 AM |
Wellfleet Public Library |
55 West Main Street |
Yarmouth |
2/17 |
1 PM |
Yarmouth Police Dept. |
340 Higgins Crowell Rd., West Yarmouth |
February 24: Harwich Presidents’ Day Brunch at The 400 in East Harwich at 10 AM
Please note that the brunch has returned to its historic location - 400 East Restaurant, East Harwich, MA & - The Special Guest is Julian Cyr and we will honor the Mabel Canto and James Noonan awardees.
“My name is __________and I am a constituent. I live in _________________(Town). I am calling because I support the Safe Communities Act (S.1305) and want to urge _________________(your legislator) to call the Chairs of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security (Senator Moore and Representative Naughton) and ask them to give the bill a swift and favorable report before the February 7 report-out deadline.”
State Senators on Cape Cod
Vinny deMacedo - Julian Cyr
State Representatives on Cape Cod
Timothy Whelan - Will Crocker
David Vieira - Sarah Peake
Randy Hunt - Dylan Fernandes
~~~ Other Area Events ~~~
Automatic Voter Registration Lobby Day, Jan 31
THU, FEB 1 - 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM - CCYP After Hours Connect
FRI, FEB 2 - 7:30 AM - 9 AM - Cape Cod Tech Council - The Agile Manifesto – First Friday, Feb 2018
Hyannis Golf Club, Iyannough Rd
February 14 - One Billion Rising 2:00 PM—5:30 PM
Yarmouth Senior Center, 528 Forest Road, W. Yarmouth, MA 02673
RSVP’s not required but welcome to plan for refreshments and space. 508-394-7606, X 1330
We RISE as part of the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history, This is a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. We have some very special panelists being assembled to talk about the many ways WOMEN are abused in our society.
We will be Uniting in Solidarity while sharing this very special intergenerational event with a panel discussion and an Artistic Expression in Painting which will be facilitated by Art Therapist, Marianne May O’Neill. The event will close with an illumination ceremony and a moment of silence.
Join us in our fourth year of celebration as we continue to be promoted as experiential learning while taking a stand against abuse in Yarmouth. It is our Valentine to our Community here and around the world. Paintings will be shown at a later date as an exhibit.
Agencies and organizations will be present with information tables include:
Independence House, Cape Cod Elder Abuse Coalition, Elder Services, Hoarding Task Force, Suicide Prevention and Visiting Nurses of Cape Cod.
Panelists include: Barbara Burgo, Commissioner, Barnstable County Human Rights
Commission. Penny Duby, Chair of the Cape Cod and Islands Commission for the
Status of Women. Chris Morin, Prevention, Education, Independence House, Inc. Paul Pronovost, Executive Editor of the Cape Cod Times. Ryleigh Vaughan, D/Y Leo Club
Maura Healey is looking for Caucus Help and Volunteers. BTW, her website is available in Esperanto, Yiddish, and Latin, but not Klingon.
FEBRUARY 11 - 3 - 4:30 PM at The Chatham Community Center Hosted by Lower Cape Indivisible