The CIDC General Membership meeting was a great success. Over 30 members from many towns crowded into the CapeSpace meeting room to hear our Congressman Bill Keating and vote on the new Bylaws.
Rather than give a speech, Congressman Bill Keating spent close to an hour answering the group's questions. The questions covered the spectrum from taxes, women’s rights, foreign affairs, health care, and climate change. It was a great opportunity to learn more about what is going on in the Capitol and share concerns with our Congressman.
After Congressman Keating, there was an opportunity for local candidates to introduce themselves and talk about their races and to learn about the signature gathering which is happening for ballot initiatives in 2018.
The new Bylaws were approved unanimously. The Bylaws create a more active, involved organization whose aim is to work to get candidates elected up and down the ballot, even at the local level.
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Stay vigilant,
Sandy & Robin & Mark & Amy
Please also share the news with your friends via Twitter and Facebook at
Tuesday, Oct. 24th at 7:00 pm @ the Wellfleet Library, the Board will be discussing the future of the former COA Building. This town-owned building has sat abandoned for a very long time. Kathleen Bacon believes that there is already an interest from several department heads to use it for more municipal office space.
She wants to assign it to the housing authority to develop either into workforce community living space or into a 40b duplex. Wellfleet is woefully behind in creating affordable housing. She is looking for concerned citizens to join her in discussing the future uses of the building.
Mashpee Commons is planning to expand. Projects of this magnitude will impact the character of the town.It is IMPERATIVE that our community members make every effort to attend the series of workshops and public meetings hosted by the "Mashpee Commons By Design" proponents listed below:
Tuesday, October 24th from 6 to 8 PM at Mashpee Public Library Phase 1: Public Visioning Meeting
Monday, October 30th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM Mashpee Town Hall Selectmen's Meeting Presentation
Saturday, December 2nd from 10:00 to 12:00 PM Mashpee Public Library - Public Visioning Meeting #3
December 6th from 7 to 9 PM at Mashpee Town Hall - Mashpee Planning Board
Saturday, October 28 - League of Women Voters (LWVCCA) - EXECUTIVE POWER AND THE CONSTITUTION On Saturday, October 28, at the Harwich Community Center, Professor Peter Ubertaccio of Stonehill College will discuss Executive Power and the Constitution. Q & A will follow the presentation. Join them for coffee at 9:30 am, the program begins at 10.
November 1- Eastham - CACCI - On the first Wednesday of every month from 9am to 5pm, the CACCI Immigration and Resource Center representatives will be at The Cape Cod Children's Place, 10 Ballwic Rd, North Eastham, to provide free, accredited and fully confidential immigration services, based on your needs and regardless of your legal status. Their staff is culturally sensitive and speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, and a range of Eastern European languages. Make your appointment today by calling 508-771-1727 ext. 140 or go to www.CACCI.CC Se Habla Español.
Saturday, November 4th - Harwich Democratic Town Committee
Community Center, 100 Oak St
Based on the recommendations of our Issues Committee; Sheila House, Harwich Youth Counselor will present an overview of Addiction/Mental Health Service in Harwich and across Barnstable County.
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - Bill Keating Fundraiser
5:30 - 7:30 PM
Cape Cod Maritime Museum, 135 South Street, Hyannis, MA
State Senator Julian Cyr, State Rep. Dylan Fernandes, State Rep. Sarah Peake, Commissioner Mary Pat Flynn, Sean Caughey, Olive & Dave Chase, Brian Dunn, Etta Goodstein, Gin & Jim Hoeck, Robin Hubbard, Bob Isadore, Rafiq Islam, Dick Johnson, Elaine Kamarck, Amy Kullar, Mike Lauf, Matt Lee, Zelda MacGregorRegan McCarthy, Sandy Milano, Kathy & John Ohman, Carolyn Pickman & Fred Schilpp, Robbin Orbison, Gary Sheehan, Kathy & Mike Schell, Fran Schofield, and Andrea Silbert Cordially invite you to support our friend Congressman Bill Keating
Hors d'Oeuvres by The Casual Gourmet ~ Cash Bar
Friend: $100 • Supporter: $250 • Sponsor: $1,000 - ** Limited Online Activist Tickets: $35/person **
Click Here to RSVP Online or mail your check made payable to:
The Bill Keating Committee, c/o Hyannis Event, PO Box 3065, Buzzards Bay, MA 02532
PARKING INFO: Metered parking available at the Ocean Street Lot for $1/hr. The lot is located at 160 Ocean St, across the street from Black Cat Tavern and on the harbor side of the street. Avoid parking at the private Ferry lots. For more information, please contact Michael Clarke at (508) 591-0512
Sunday, November 12 - Yarmouth Democratic Town Committee First Annual Veterans Day Brunch
11:00AM - 2:00PM
Yarmouth House Restaurant, 335 Rt. 28, West Yarmouth
Our keynote speaker will be the Auditor of the State of Massachusetts, the Honorable Suzanne M. Bump. Also expected to be in attendance will be Congressman Bill Keating and Candidates for Governor of Massachusetts, Jay Gonzalez, Setti Warren, and Bob Massie. We will also hold a silent auction at the brunch. If interested in donating items or gift certificates, please contact Dave Velasco. Please RSVP with your $28 check payable to the Yarmouth DTC, 133 Center Street, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675.
November 18 - Wellfleet Dems - Annual Potluck Party
5 to 8 PM
hosted by Paul Pilcher & Dan Lawson
Email [email protected] to get it added to the list.