CIDC - Get out the Vote!

1) The time for Today's debate is 10 AM at the Cape Cinema in Dennis.

2) We need your help canvassing, invite your friends, knock on doors, meet the neighbors via

- Mark, Sandy, Amy, & John

~ ~ ~ Event Listings ~ ~ ~

Oct 13 - Dennis - Candidates Forum 10AM

Come to hear Julian Cyr and John Flores, as well as Bill Keating and Peter Tedeschi, discuss their views at an event moderated by the LWV-CCA and sponsored by Cape Cod Media. at the Cape Cinema, 35 Hope Ln in Dennis. 

Oct 15 - Dennis DTC Meeting at the Dennis Police Station Meeting Room 
1) Campaign updates from State Rep candidate, Steve Leibowitz; Cyr Campaign, Matt Brodeur, Regional Field Director; Safe Patient Limits Ballot Question, Ross Berry, Field Organizer
2) Selectmen Review of 10/16 Town Meeting Warrant
3) D-Y School Building Committee Update, Cleon Turner
4) Time Permitting Local Updates - We will give a few minutes to local officials (elected, committee members, etc.) to update on relevant local issues.

Oct15 - Sandwich Candidates Forum
Mon  7:00 PM at Sandwich Council on Aging, 270 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd, Sandwich.

UPDATED: Oct 19 - Wellfleet / OCDC - 4th Annual BARBARA GRAY LEGACY AWARD

Presentation and Dinner to Honor Dave Schropfer -

October 20 - Barnstable Village - Meet Ron Bergstrom
Ron is a Candidate for County Commissioner: "County Government can be an effective tool in improving the life of Cape Codders. Americorps, IT support, the SHINE program, the Regional Substance Abuse Council, Human Rights Commission, the county dredge and other programs help Cape towns meet their needs while minimizing costs. This demands a proactive approach lacking in the majority of the current Board of Commissioners. I will reach out to promote the role of county government and restore voters’ faith in the leadership of Barnstable County." on Saturday, 2-4PM, Hosts: Herb and Nina Greenwald

October 25 - Fall 2018 Candidates ForumPlymouth Area League of Women Voters: 
@ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm - This evening event held at the Great Hall in the Plymouth Town Hall will start with the Plymouth County DA Candidates at 6 pm, after a short break we will move on to the three sets of State House Candidates around 6:45 pm which includes Plymouth 1st, 5th and Plymouth Barnstable candidates and after another break will end with the State Senate Candidates around 8:20 PM. The public is welcome -

Oct 13 - Harwich DTC - Harwich Community Center, Oak St, Harwich Center

10:00 a.m. - Speaker/Discussion of Ballot Question #2, Citizens United and Influence of $$$$ in Politics

Oct 13 -  Dennis DTC fundraiser for Ron Bergstrom
The Dennis Democratic Town Committee is sponsoring a fundraiser for Ron Bergstrom on Saturday, October 13 from 3 to 5 at 6 Herring Run Road, South Dennis. All are welcome and bring a friend to meet Ron.
The DDTC has been very enthusiastic and supportive of Ron's campaign for County Commissioner. This is an opportunity to give him a boost to his fundraising efforts. It is a big county and reaching all the voters is a challenge. This is your chance to help! RSVP by phone:

~~~ Earlier Announcements ~~~

Oct 20 - Brewster -

Oct 22 - Early voting begins


Oct 28 - Yarmouth Democratic Town Committee Brunch - 11:00 AM
The Riverway Lobster House - 1338 Rt. 28, So. Yarmouth; $30.00 per person - Net proceeds benefit the Yarmouth DTC / Dennis DTC Scholarship program; Please RSVP with your check to Yarmouth DTC C/O Bob Isadore 133 Center St, Yarmouth Port, Ma. 02675 - [email protected] or call Bob @ 508-362-1696


Oct 19 - Wellfleet / OCDC - 4th Annual BARBARA GRAY LEGACY AWARD

Presentation and Dinner to Honor Dave Schropfer

Master of Ceremonies: State Representative Sarah Peake

Keynote Speaker: Seth Rolbein

Friday, October 19, 2018 - 5:30 to 8:30 pm - Tickets: $50 per person

Preservation Hall ~ 335 Main Street ~ Wellfleet, MA

Dinner Catered by Van Rensselaer’s 

Check payable to 'Wellfleet DTC' - Dick Guernsey, Treasurer, PO Box 27, Wellfleet, MA 02667 Tel:508-349-3510 or [email protected] - Or contribute via ActBlue

Presented by the Outer Cape Democratic Coalition - Brewster, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet, Truro, Provincetown. The OCDC established the Barbara Gray Legacy Award in 2015 to be given annually to honor one or more “Citizen Leaders Who Move Our Communities Forward,” echoing the spirit of former State Representative Barbara Gray (D-Framingham) who "retired" to Wellfleet in 1996 after 24 years in the House.

ABOUT DAVE SCHROPFER - Dave Schropfer: Eastham activist extraordinaire and, like Barbara Gray, a citizen leader who"retired" to the Outer Cape – only to take on a huge amount of work. Dave was instrumental in bringing electronic voting to Eastham Town Meeting. His activism helped make Eastham #1 in the State in Early Voting turnout in 2016 Presidential election (50% of voters voted early). Commissioner, Human Rights Commission, Barnstable County, Executive Committee member and former chair, Eastham Democratic Town Committee, Mediator, Small Claims, and Summary Judgment Courts, Barnstable, Advisory Board Member, Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority, Faculty, American Management Association

Nov 3 - Harwich DTC
10:00 a.m. - Final meeting before Election Day(First Saturday of the Month)

 ~~~ Canvassing ~~~

Canvasing and Phonebanking for Julian Cyr

Listings are here:


Oct 14 - Falmouth Canvassing on Sunday

Meet at 1 PM at Falmouth Dem Headquarters, 180 Teaticket Hwy #4 Falmouth.


~~~ ISSUES ~~~


We the People Massachusetts

Learn why you should vote Yes on 2 at these local workshops from

You are invited! Learn about Ballot Question 2 by attending one of these concise and engaging presentations which will be offered this October in Falmouth, Eastham, Harwich, and Provincetown. Check out our events page on Facebook for information!

Saturday, October 13 - 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. - Harwich Community Center, 100 Oak St., Harwich, Hosted by the Harwich Democratic Town Committee

~ ~ ~ Support the candidates ~ ~ ~

Please volunteer or donate to candidates in the battleground areas!

Your donations also help to pay for literature, signs, and expenses.  We have limited space, but each group has more information on their site. If you have corrections, please send them using our feedback page

Ron Bergstrom - Donate  +  Suzanne Bump - Donate  +  Paul Cusack - Donate  +  Julian Cyr - Donate + Dylan Fernandes - Donate   +  Bill Galvin - Info + Deb Goldberg - Donate  + Jay Gonzalez - Donate + Elizabeth Harder - Donate - Info + Maura Healey - Donate  + Bill Keating - Donate+ Steve Leibowitz - Donate  +  Joshua Mason - Donate + Bob Massie - Donate  + Quentin Palfrey - Donate + Sarah Peake - Donate  +  Jack Stanton - Donate +  Elizabeth Warren - Donate  + Josh Zakim - Donate

CIDC, 760 Main St, Hyannis, MA