Here are some recent correction and updates!
Sunday - Barnstable - Please remember the fundraiser with Senator Ed Markey this Sunday from 2 PM to 4PM. They will also be joined by State Senator Julian Cyr and Ron Bergstrom, candidate for Barnstable County Commissioner. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet Senator Markey and hear about what he has been working on in Washington and more importantly, what we can do here at home to make sure Democrats up and down the ticket are successful in November.
This event is to benefit and support the MassDems and their efforts to elect Democrats. Please RSVP [email protected]. He will be hosted at the home of Fred Schilpp and Carolyn Pickman at 115 Rendezvous Lane in Barnstable between 2-4. There will be lots of food and drink, including a raw bar where you will find Sandy shucking Cape Cod's tastiest!
Oct 7 - Radio - Also on SUNDAY, Ron Bergstrom will be on the Patrick Desmaris Show from 10a-11:3 to debate his opponent for Barnstable County Commissioner. Listen in to WXTK at 95.1FM and call (508) 775 9985 to be on-air. Also available online at
- Mark, Sandy, Amy, & John
~ ~ ~ Event Listings ~ ~ ~
Oct 13 - Dennis - Candidates Forum
Come to hear Julian Cyr and John Flores, as well as Bill Keating and Peter Tedeschi, discuss their views at an event moderated by the LWV-CCA and sponsored by Cape Cod Media. at the Cape Cinema, 35 Hope Ln in Dennis.
Oct 15 - Dennis DTC Meeting at the Dennis Police Station Meeting Room
1) Campaign updates from State Rep candidate, Steve Leibowitz; Cyr Campaign, Matt Brodeur, Regional Field Director; Safe Patient Limits Ballot Question, Ross Berry, Field Organizer
2) Selectmen Review of 10/16 Town Meeting Warrant
3) D-Y School Building Committee Update, Cleon Turner
4) Time Permitting Local Updates - We will give a few minutes to local officials (elected, committee members, etc.) to update on relevant local issues.
UPDATED: Oct 19 - Wellfleet / OCDC - 4th Annual BARBARA GRAY LEGACY AWARD
Presentation and Dinner to Honor Dave Schropfer -