The 400 East @ Routes 137 & 391421 Orleans Rd
East Harwich, , MA 02645
United States
Google map and directions
The Harwich Democratic Town Committee
Invites You to Our 19th Annual
JFK Presidents’ Day Brunch
Saturday, February 24th ~ 10:00 AM
400 East Restaurant – www.the400east.com
Routes 137 & 39 East Harwich, MA
Our Special Guest
State Senator Julian Cyr
Invited state-wide primary candidates
We will also be honoring the 2018 Award Recipients
The Mabel Canto Democrat of the Year
Peg Rose
James Noonan Community Service Award
Sheila House
Seating is Limited
R.S.V.P. to Chris Joyce by February 17th
$25.00 per person
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