Centerville Recreation Building524 Main St
Centerville, MA 02632
United States
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Stronger Together Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, May 23 ⏐ 5:30 - 7:00pm
Centerville Recreation Building, 524 Main Street, Centerville
Let's Get Local!
Opportunities ⏐ Strategies ⏐ Inspiration
Learn from a master! John Walsh, former Chair of the Mass Democratic Party, on why Local matters, especially now.
Match your experiences, skills and passions with community needs. Our micro Activist/Advocate Workshop lifts up Town and Village board, committee, and commission opportunities across the Cape & Islands.
Hear from Cape and Islands leaders-their challenges and successes on their way to local office. Sandy Milano, new Chair of the CIDC, Jeanne Azarovitz, just-elected Bourne Planning Board Member, and Robin K. Gunderson, newly appointed to the Barnstable Human Services Committee.
About Stronger Together
Cape & Islands Stronger Together engages local grassroots energy to develop candidates, leadership, and teams that are willing and able to build a more just America. We continually seek collaboration with groups and individuals who share progressive values and goals.
Posted by Mark Ameres on ,