Scott Ferson - Sandwich DTC

Monday, July 17, 2017 at 07:00 PM


Sandwich Council on Aging
270 Quaker Meeting House Rd
East Sandwich., MA 02537
United States
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The Sandwich DTC speaker this month is Scott Ferson, who will address a number of critical issues for revitalizing the Democratic party, and successfully navigating the electoral waters of 2018 and 2020. His presentation will be on Monday, the 17th, and will take place at the Council on Aging Building, 270 Quaker Meeting House Rd., East Sandwich.

His presentation will be on Monday, July 17th at 7PM, and will take place at the Council on Aging Building, 270 Quaker Meeting House Rd., East Sandwich.

Scott is President of the Liberty Square Group, a strategic public relations firm he founded in 1999. He is also the President of the Blue Lab, a political incubator for Democratic candidates. He frequently comments on politics in regional and national news outlets and is a weekly contributor to Herald Radio. He teaches about politics and elections at Stonehill College and about American government at Suffolk University. He is a former press secretary to the late Senator Ted Kennedy. He handled communications for Stephen Lynch's first congressional campaign, and was the general consultant and communications strategist for Seth Moulton in his upset win over Congressman John Tierney in 2014.

Scott's presentation will touch on the following issues:

  • I've come to believe that we need to fundamentally review our assumptions of who we are as a party and who we represent. Frankly, both parties need to go through this exercise. The Republicans are not ascendant. The fact is that one party, and very nearly both, were captured by candidates who were not members of either. How did this happen?
  • I focus on the call for repeal of Citizens United. It is a talisman for Democrats. But if marriage equality is settled law in this land and we wish that Conservatives would move on, why isn't Citizens United settled law? And if it is how do we solve the problem of money in politics?
  • I will address issues related to the barriers to ballot access and voter participation. Frankly, the existing party structures are not the way to do it. Looking forward, demographic shifts in the US over the next 30 years will dramatically affect electoral politics.

Finally, he will describe The Blue Lab, which is an incubator for Democratic candidates. We are revolutionizing how campaigns are run, particularly for first time, female and minority candidates. From Seth Moulton in 2014 to Cindy Friedman who just won the primary to fill a state Senate seat two weeks ago, we are expanding access to the ballot while training the next generation of leaders. The lab has been staffed by over 250 students from 47 colleges and universities over the past five years.

Paul Houlihan, SDTC Co-Chair

Sandwich Democrat Town Committee, P.O. Box 50, Sandwich, MA 02563-0050

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