December - Setti Warren, Maura Healey, and holiday events

With the win in Alabama, Democrats have shown that they are fighting back for the needs of our country, our first responders, our workers, our minorities, immigrants, and our disadvantaged neighbors.  

During the Holidays, please get out to meet the neighbors, break bread together, and prepare for a tide of blue victories in 2018!  
Feel free to forward this email on to your friends or print a copy to share at meetings.  If you are getting this list forwarded on to you and you want to subscribe, please go to 

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Sandy & Robin & Mark & Amy

Make sure to contact the event organizers directly for the most up-to-date information and to register or RSVP.  Don't forget to share the news with your friends via Facebook and Twitter at 

Many of our candidates are facing serious competition this year! Are we missing an upcoming event or fundraiser? Is there a cause we should organize for? Contact us thru this site to get it added to the list.

The MassDems Caucus dates are being announced at

Friday, Dec 15th - Harwich - Conversation with Setti Warren - 4:00 – 5:30 pm

Harwich Community Center, 100 Oak Street, Harwich, MA
Please come meet Democratic Candidate for Governor, Mayor Setti Warren of Newton, MA. This is an important race with an upcoming primary to see who will challenge Charlie Baker. You will hear from Mayor Warren and be able to ask questions about the issues that concern you. RSVP to

Mayor Warren is accepting donations at:

Tuesday, December 19- Cultivar in Boston - Maura Healey Fundraiser

We’re three weeks away from 2018. Maura’s ready to run and we need to be ready for her.
Next Tuesday evening in Boston, we’ll be hosting our final event of the year. Maura needs you there.
The key to being successful in 2018 is exceeding our fundraising goals in 2017. We need to maximize our support now to be able to get Maura’s message out around the state, to empower the grassroots and to beat back the deep-pocketed special interests eager to knock her out.
Last week, Politico Playbook named Maura to its influential “18 to Watch in 2018” list.

On Tuesday night, join us at Cultivar on Court Street in Boston at 5:30 p.m. for our big end-of-year celebration.

Thursday, December 14 - Chatham - Congressman Keating staffers to meet today

Lower Meeting Room, Eldredge Public Library, 564 Main St. Chatham MA - 1:10 PM - 3:00 PM

Congressman Bill Keating’s staff members—District Director Michael Jackman and District Counsel Andrew Nelson—will attend a meeting in Chatham to present the congressman’s views on current issues and answer questions from the audience. This meeting is sponsored by the Chatham Harwich Newcomers Club’s Current Discussions group and is free and open to the public.

Tuesday, Dec 19 - Mashpee Democratic Town Committee Mtg - 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Mashpee Democratic town committee

Saturday, Dec 23, 2017 - Festivus

Monday, Dec 25, 2017 - Christmas