Sandwich Hollows Golf Club1 Round Hill Rd
East Sandwich, MA 02537
United States
Google map and directions
Please join us for a reception to support the
Cape & Islands Democratic Council

Guest Speaker - John Walsh
Former Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party
Cape & Islands Democratic Council

Guest Speaker - John Walsh
Former Chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party
Honorary Chairs
Senator Julian Cyr
Rep Dylan Fernandez
Host Committee
Lou Cerrone, Amy Sharpe, Yvonne Courtney
On Sunday, September 10th, 5-7PM
At Sandwich Hollows Golf Club, 1 Round Hill Rd, East Sandwich, MA
Tickets are: $25 (Guest) - $50 (Friend) - $100 (Sponsor) at https://squareup.com/store/cape-and-islands-democratic-council-pac
The Club is near Route 6 Exit 3, off of the Service Road, just east of the intersection with Quaker Meeting House Road.
Posted by Mark Ameres on ,