Candidates for Governor Debate at Monomoy HS

Monday, April 09, 2018 at 07:00 PM


Monomoy High School
75 Oak St
Harwich, MA 02645
United States
Google map and directions

Event contact


On Monday, April 9 at 7 pm, students at Monomoy Regional High School will be hosting a primary debate between the three Democratic gubernatorial candidates: Setti Warren, Bob Massie, and Jay Gonzales.

The candidates will be questioned by a panel of students overseen by a student moderator.  Students will also be serving as timers, light and sound technicians, and all other aspects of the debate. 

Monomoy HS, and previously Harwich High School, have a history of hosting debates for candidates for Congress and the state legislature going back to 2006. The media and public are invited to attend. 

Please tell us that you are coming by RSVPing below VVV

For more information, contact Ted Clifford.

Please also invite your friends via FB:


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