2018 Kamarck Award Luncheon on March 25th [NEW DATE]

Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 11:30 AM


Captains Golf Course
1000 Freemans Way
Brewster, MA 02645
United States
Google map and directions

Tickets are now available for the 2018 Kamarck Award Luncheonon Saturday:

March 25th [NEW DATE]

. The Brewster Dems will be honoring Representative Sarah Peake for her dedication to promoting policies and legislation that make our community stronger. There will also be a special posthumous award to Mary Lou Pettit. Hors-d'oeuvres buffet luncheon, and Cash Bar are available.

Where: Captains Golf Course, 1000 Freemans Way, Brewster
Tickets are $35. To purchase on Act Blue, go to https://secure.actblue.com/donate/2018kamarck
Please make checks payable to: Brewster Democratic Town Committee, c/o Treasurer Bob Gaughran
49 Thousand Oaks Drive, Brewster, MA 02631 For further info, contact Katie Jacobus. 

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